About DAT DUC THINH Trading Service Co., Ltd

Established in 2018. We are one of the companies specializing in the production, trading, milling and processing of all kinds of rice in Vietnam. In order to supply domestic and international markets, our company has built a rice processing factory with the most modern technology in Vietnam with a capacity of 700 tons per day on a total area of ​​10,000 square meters.


Modern machinery

We invest a lot in technology. Constructing modern infrastructure and equipment according to world standards is a very important condition to create the best rice grains, the most uniform in quality throughout the year; less affected by the crop, ensuring ideal conditions for fresh rice to be dried and stored with perfect quality; retain the aroma and taste of rice varieties

Meet international export requirements

Faced with the increasing requirements of the domestic and export markets, Dat Duc Thinh has implemented solutions to improve the quality and design of consumed agricultural products.
Currently, our agricultural products including: rice, ginger, lemon, sweet potato, chili, onion, pepper, dragon fruit… have been successfully exported to many foreign markets, satisfying strict international requirements.

Supplying high quality goods

With a methodical investment in infrastructure, raw materials, people and processes, Dat Duc Thinh has become a unit capable of supplying good sources of goods, both in terms of quality and quantity.

The factory operates 100% of imported technology solutions, meeting the world’s most stringent requirements for food safety, operational safety and environmental friendliness.

Connect with us!

Customers & partners who need to provide milling services, polishing rice or agricultural products, please contact us for specific details of cooperation information. Sincerely thank!